Monday, May 2, 2011

Experiences not earthquake related

With 5 kids and a hard working hubby, I've realized updating this blog will be slow go for a while.  I have hope, however, of being SuperMom some day.  Until then, I'll work sporadically and efficiently as I can ; )  I promised some background on what living in Japan has been.  So here goes in no particular order except which pix are easiest to find :)

July 2008, our first summer festival and we are officially WOWED!!  Festivals are not just a BIG deal in Japan, but a serious production for each town in their own way.

 This is Hachinohe's Sansha Taisai festival or the Three Shrines.  The city of "Hach" as it is known on the base, is just a quick 30 min drive via the Tohoko express way.  Admittedly not going the incredibly slow Japanese speed limit of 60kph or ~38mph.

 Not exactly sure, but we think Sansha Taisai has something to do with shrines, demons, and traditional garb.

Oh, and music!  Plenty of drums, flutes, chanting something in Japanese (of course!), and lots of seemingly endless energy.

 Eva and Micheil learned quickly the Japanese art of gracious hospitality and how much they adore children.
 Did I mention the demons?